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How Your Eating Pattern Influences Your Body Weight

By: Max Gregory, Health and Nutrition Coach

The Affects of Meal Timing in Your Diet to Lose Weight

Time to eat again.

Ok... now then... here's a "cause" of overweight that does not necessarily have anything to do with calories. Yet it can have a big impact upon your body weight.

The "Eating Pattern" affects your body weight by either Losing Weight OR Gaining Weight. But again, this has nothing to do with the amount of calories you eat.

Eating Pattern refers to:

  1. The number of meals that you eat each day.
  2. The time you eat the meals during the day.

Let me ask you a question...

Wouldn't it be good to know how to deliberately sabotage your metabolism to gain weight – I mean, a way to really pack-on the weight?

Wait... think about it for a moment;

If you knew how to deliberately sabotage your metabolism to gain weight then you could just do the opposite and you'd discover how to lose weight, which is what you really want to know.

Play along with me here now...

So do you want to know one of the fastest ways to sabotage your metabolism and gain weight?

Answer: Eat ONE meal a day. That's it!

Just eat once a day and you'll most likely either gain weight, or at the least you'll be constantly struggling to get your body weight down.

But don't fret if you're one of the many overweight people that are mistakenly eating only one meal a day trying to become lean. A lot of overweight people are torturing themselves on this habitually wrong eating pattern. Of which doesn't make it right, of course.

There are three issues that transpire when eating only once per day that is guaranteed to prevent fat loss. Let me explain...

Typically what happens is someone eventually reduces his or her number of meals (usually from three meals) down to one meal a day in hopes of losing weight. Doesn't going from the typical three meals per day to eating one meal per day sound like a drastic cut in calories? Sure it does, because it IS a major cut in calories.

Now, what does a diet that drastically cuts calories do to your body?

Oh sure, you'll initially lose body weight. BUT which component of your body is it? In this situation of drastically cutting calories your body will metabolize (lose) muscle tissue. And the significance of losing muscle tissue is that it's the fat-burning machine of your body. And the result of having less muscle tissue on your body is the capacity to burn body fat is lessened. So you'll eventually begin gaining weight (fat weight) over the long haul.

...And that's just ONE of the issues regarding someone's eating pattern.

Perhaps you're one of those people that would eat a lot more calories at that particular meal than the amount that you would normally eat. You could be eating more calories from sheer hunger, or for whatever reason, thinking that as long as you're only eating one meal you'll lose weight. And there are plenty of other people that do.

But it's still eating just one meal. So, again, it won't work.

All that food eaten at the same time would cause a high blood sugar level causing weight gain. Even if you kept the calories at the "perfect" amount you would most likely still add body fat.

And aside from the grief of the previous two issues that eating only one meal per day causes you, there's another even bigger issue that this particular eating pattern causes...

Are you ready?

Eating only one meal or (even just two meals per day) will develop a SLOWER metabolic rate, especially if skipping breakfast!

Statistically, overweight people that skip breakfast inevitably makeup the calories later in the day. The extra calories that were missed are eaten during other times or meals throughout the day.

...And with the development of a slow metabolism from eating only once or twice a day makes matters worse. Worse as in: "weight gain".

Having a slow metabolism and skipping breakfast sure explains a lot about the lack of burning body fat. Yep, just eat once a day can actually train your metabolism to gain weight.

Here's more... Have you ever heard of a Sumo Wrestler?

Sumo wrestlers eat one big meal a day.

These guys are from the orient and their chief objective is to build the biggest most massive body as possible. And massive is an understatement. These guys are really, really big. They have tremendous amount of muscle but they are grossly overweight with extremely large amounts of body FAT too.

And my point about bringing up Sumo Wrestlers is that one of their strategies to gain so much weight is to EAT ONE MEAL A DAY. Oh sure Sumo Wrestlers eat a tremendous amount of food when they eat. But they GAIN weight faster by eating only once a day! And that's my point.

In fact, I've actually done this a few times on a couple of skinny people that couldn't gain any weight. They have apparently tried everything (in their own words) to gain weight. Yeah you're probably jealous about these people that can't gain weight... But there are actually people that really need to gain weight because they're very skinny.

My solution for a few of these "hard-gainers" (gym slang for someone that can't gain weight) is to do what the weight loss people do and you'll easily gain weight.

My suggestion: Eat once or twice a day and cut calories and intentionally try to lose weight. Then eat "normally" and presto they'll gain all their weight and more.

I'll admit it's somewhat of a crazy way to gain weight? But my point is that it can be done.

So, those are the three issues that transpire when eating only once per day (even twice per day) that is guaranteed to train your body to either gain weight (fat) or hinder fat burning. Habitually following a wrong eating pattern of one meal a day can have a big impact upon your body weight for the worse.

  1. Fat gain is the result of the high blood glucose level from eating one big meal a day.
  2. Muscle loss occurs from eating one meal a day which results in gaining body fat in the long haul.
  3. Slow metabolism occurs from eating one meal a day which results in lack of fat burning because hormones are suppressed.

Oh, and the time of day when you eat your meals is the other important issue about eating patterns that affects your bodyweight...

Let's say that you're eating more than once a day and you also have the "perfect" diet. But you're eating most of your calories later in the day as opposed to eating most of your calories earlier in the day.

Generally speaking this is OK, but a problem could arise – such as weight gain. Weight gain can occur because a lot of people skip breakfast and then as the day progresses they eat more food. Typically their largest meal of the day is dinner or supper. Sometimes they even eat right before they go to bed.

And what's wrong with that eating pattern?

When you eat MOST of your food later in the day your body has a tendency to gain weight – even if you're eating the same amount of calories.

Think about it for a moment...

Would your body burn more calories during the day as you're moving around and using your brain, OR would the body burn more calories doing nothing but just sleeping? I'm sure you know the answer.

So if your activity level normally diminishes toward the end of the day and if most of your daily calories are eaten then the extra calories that were not burned before sleeping go straight to your thighs, butt and stomach areas.

Make sense?

So, could the affects of following any of the wrong Eating Patterns happen to apply in your current situation and be the ‘cause' of overweight for you?

The solution is to simple eat more frequently during the day. But not necessarily more calories... just eat more times each day. The standard rule that works to lose weight is to eat 3 - 6 meals per day. Although the word "meal" is misleading. A meal can also be a small healthy snack too.

Although research is scant, in real-life it is common knowledge that everytime you eat there is a slight metabolic increase. And the accumulation of these frequent slight metabolic increases from the meals/ snacks adds up quickly during the week to burn more body fat.

The habit of eating frequent meals helps do the following:

  1. Increases your metabolism.
  2. Prevents fat storage.
  3. Increases protein assimilation to keep muscles burning body fat.
  4. Normalizes your blood glucose level. This also prevents fat storage and will make you feel better with more energy.

...Also do NOT eat the majority of your daily calories toward the end of the day right before you go to bed. Following these rules will do wonders for losing weight – even though you're still eating the same amount of calories.

Please share this article with all of your friends and family! They will thank you for helping them to think differently about improving their health.

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Disclaimer: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.

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