"Does the calorie dilemma got you confused about weight loss?
Here's a tried and proven way to determine...

...How Many Calories To Eat To Lose Weight?"

Take The Average Calorie Test –
Determine How Many Calories You Need.

Regarding weight loss, I am regularly asked, "how many calories should I eat?". So I'll show you what to do. You can easily determine your appropriate daily caloric intake to lose bodyfat with a few simple math steps. But to get the most accurate outcome – you'll have to put a little effort into my simple 2 step process. Ok? First you need to do this...

Step #1 – Determine Your Current Calorie Consumption

Metabolic Burn Rate

Two women deciding how many calories to eat to lose weight.

Metabolic burn rate is a term I use to describe the 'average' amount of calories YOU specifically require to stay alive – without gaining or losing weight. Some people refer to it as maintenance calories. The method to determine your metabolic burn rate is accomplished through a calorie analysis of your current diet.

The purpose of calorie averaging is so we can calculate in step #2 how many calories you need to feed only the lean tissues and deprive calories from the fat portion of your body – while it burns itself right off your body.

Although calorie averaging is fairly accurate the only downside is progress of fat loss cannot be accurately monitored like with using bodyfat composition calipers. But nevertheless, it can determine your 'ideal' starting point and definitely get you going in the right direction without any cost.

Here's How it Works

Here's where the small effort comes into play I mentioned above. What you need to do is over the course of three (3) days write and record every food and the quantity that you've eaten for each day – And I mean everything.

There's no need to be concerned about the type of calories, such as, protein, carbohydrate or fat. Just add up the amount of total calories you eat for 3 days. You can search online for a food calorie counter or click here.

Yes, it's a small hassle to keep track of all the foods you eat for 3 days, but it's more accurate than guessing and short changing your results.

So after you get each individual days total calories... then, add together those three days of calories. In other words, just get the total calories of three full days – however you want to do it. I think it's easier to figure one day at a time, then just add together the 3 days of calories for a grand total. But some prefer to write the calories down for each day and then wait to add up everything all at one time.

Here's a hypothetical (means that I made it up) calorie amount that someone typically could have eaten for a particular day for his or her body weight to determine the calorie average:

Day #1 – Daily Calorie Total: 1914

Day #2 – Daily Calorie Total: 2234

Day #3 – Daily Calorie Total: 2355

Ok..., just add up the "daily calorie totals" of day #1, day #2, and day #3 to get the grand total calories. Like this: 1914 + 2234 + 2355 = 6503 grand total caloric intake over a 3 day span.
Next, divide the grand total by 3 (which represent the number of days calorie entries were recorded). Like this: 6503 ÷ 3 = 2167 average daily calorie intake.

So in this example, the average daily calorie intake (maintenance calories) is calculated to be 2167 calories.

The purpose of doing this is to get an accurate daily average of the overall consumption of calories you "normally" would consume. The calorie average is the amount of calories that is required each day, basically, to maintain your current body weight.

However, in actuality you may have been slightly gaining weight at that amount of calories. But we're real close to an average daily calorie intake that supports your current body weight.

Ok, lets finish the calculation in the next step to get your New calorie amount to lose weight.

Step #2 – Determine Your NEW Calorie Consumption

Let's continue...

If we continue with our calculation from above we need one more simple calculations to arrive at the NEW daily caloric intake to lose weight. This new daily calorie intake will reveal the 'ideal' amount of calories to eat each day to lose body fat.

To calculate the NEW daily caloric intake, take the number of the average daily calorie intake (in our example it's 2167), and then multiply it by 60% (the decimal is .4) which equals 1300. Like this:

So... in the example, 1300 is the 'ideal' amount of calories to eat daily to feed only the lean portion of the body (muscle tissue etc.) and lose body fat at a nice consistent pace.

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This formula generally works great for all people – even the extremely overweight. Sure, it's a small hassle counting calories for a few days and keeping up with it daily. But the result of knowing this information and doing it pays off in the end with better results.

Note: If you eat more than the amount alotted that's ok. But just keep in mind that the weight loss progress becomes slower the closer you get to your 'average calorie intake' (maintenance calories). However, if you're thinking that you can get faster results by eating like a bird... don't do it.

Because here's where most everyone fails...

They assume or believe the lies from the weight loss industry that by eating the fewest calories as possible will result in the most amount of fat loss. But, if you already read my other articles, you're fortunate to know that eating like a bird does not work in the long haul... because dieting too hard can cause weight gain. So just do the best you can by comsuming the amount of calories each day that you figured with this calorie formula.

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Disclaimer: This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. As with any nutritional information, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning any new program.

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