"Do you have any unresolvable health problems?
If so, there's a high chance you're being attacked and need to...

...Get Rid of Dangerous Parasites and
Return Your Overall Health!"

Parasites Can Attack Nearly Every Tissue and
Organ in Your Body. Here's How to Get Rid of Parasites.

Parasites, Worms and Micro-Organisms

Parasite cleanse.

Talking about parasites is somewhat of a 'creepy' topic I'll admit.

Whenever I talk about parasites, people always seem to cringe a little bit after they understand what's happening to them. Although, it does seem to give people more ambition to get rid of them.

Parasites may seem like creatures from a horror movie, but their presence is a reality we must acknowledge. So let's talk about parasites – what they are, their effects on your body, and the measures to protect yourself.

What are Parasites?

Parasites are organisms that live off other organisms, known as hosts, to survive. The bad part is you become their host, as they feed off your body.

Parasites come in various forms. There are three types of parasites that can cause diseases in humans.

  1. Protozoa: Protozoa parasites are single-celled organisms that can live in your intestines or blood and tissues, such as Giardia and Trichomonas.
  2. Helminths: These are worm parasites that usually live in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which include Roundworms, Flukes and Tapeworms.
  3. Ectoparasites: These are insect parasites include lice, mites, ticks, fleas, and mosquitos.

However, we're only going to talk about the parasites that hide and live inside of your body (Protozoa and Helminths parasite types).

Parasites Impact On Health:

These tiny organisms may be small in size, but their impact on human health cannot be underestimated. From microscopic creatures to larger organisms, parasites have perfected the art of survival by exploiting their hosts. Parasites feed, grow or multiply in such a way that harms your body.

Once parasites gain entry into our bodies, they embark on a mission to exploit our resources, leading to a range of health issues. They can cause a multitude of diseases, each with its own set of symptoms and effects on our well-being.

Some parasites, like the tapeworm, feed on our nutrients, leading to malnutrition and weight loss. Others, such as the malaria parasite, invade our red blood cells, causing recurring fevers and potentially life-threatening complications. The impact of these invaders can range from mild discomfort to severe illness.

Parasites have developed a wide range of strategies to ensure their survival, often at the expense of their hosts' well-being. They can cause a variety of diseases, such as:

Common Signs of Parasites: ∗ Chronic Fatigue ∗ Digestive Issues ∗ Chills ∗ Diarrhea ∗ Unexplained Weight Loss ∗ Muscle Aches ∗ Anemia ∗ Increased Appetite ∗ Weakness ∗ Problems Sleeping (Insomnia) ∗ Abdominal Pain ∗ Nausea and Vomiting ∗ Skin Rashes ∗ Itchy Anus ∗ Brain Fog ∗ Allergies ∗ Mood Changes ∗ Depression ∗ Unexplained Health Conditions ∗ and Neurological Symptoms.

That's a lot of health issues caused by a bunch of tiny organisms – having nothing to do with your nutrition or healthy lifestyle. One of the most intriguing aspects of parasites is their ability to remain hidden within our bodies for extended periods. This makes matters worse because...

...The symptoms of parasitic infections can be easily mistaken for other conditions, making diagnosis challenging! So your doctor could be looking in the wrong place and not find the actual cause of your health issues.

Yes, you can ask your doctor for a parasite screening. Endoscopy, stool and blood test are used to detect parasites – but sometimes it comes back negative. There are too many different parasites and they hide real well. So what can you do?

I personally take the broad approach and assume parasites are present – even if there's no severe symptoms – because everyone has parasites! It's just a matter of how many, and the type of parasites in someones body. So I regularly do a natural parasite cleanse with special herbs.

How to Get Rid of Parasites:

The most affective way to kill parasites is to take as many of the different herbs all at ounce during each cleansing period. The best and the strongest herbs for parasite cleansing are:

  1. Wormwood Extract
  2. Black Walnut Hull Extract
  3. Garlic
  4. Cloves
  5. Oregano Oil

Taking parasite remedies everyday or once a week is probablly not as affective as cycling them properly. There's a better opportunity to kill more parasite – by waiting a certain amount of time for the eggs to hatch out.

The mother parasites put out a hormone that keeps their layed eggs from hatching. So first you have to take enough herbs to kill the mother laying the eggs. Which results in no more hormone signal to the parasite eggs (cysts). So, when the mother parasite is dead the eggs start hatching – this is the waiting period to kill the parasites again. Yes, I realize this is weird. But here's the interval protocol you need to follow.

Cycle Principles:

  1. Start taking the herbs in a short cycle of 3 days on then 5 days off – continue repeating this cycle. Note: Initially if you wait too long (more than 5 days) you may have a large hatch out which may cause flu-like symptoms from getting rid of too many dead parasites all at once.
  2. Gradually lengthen your cycle by slowing increasing the off days – watch for reaction.
  3. Do this cycle a minimum of two months in adults.
  4. When you can do monthly cycles (3 days on and 1 month off) you are on maintenance.

This is a real good anti-parasitic solution. Just follow the dosage on the product labels but cycle according to my suggestion above. Got it?

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Simple measures such as maintaining personal hygiene, washing hands regularly, and cooking food thoroughly can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Avoiding contact with contaminated water sources can help prevent parasitic diseases too.

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Please share this website or article with all of your friends and family! They will thank you for helping them to think differently about improving their health.

Disclaimer: This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. As with any nutritional information, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning any new program.

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