"Trying to lose weight with diet drinks?
You may change your mind after you read this report.

WARNING: Low Calorie Diet Drinks Can
Cause Weight GAIN – Shocking!"

The Bad Health Affects of Low Calorie Diet Beverages

Weight Loss Drinks

Low calorie beverages.

If you're still on the mighty "Calorie-is-King" bandwagon then you're probably thinking how is it possible for low-calorie diet drinks to cause weight GAIN.

Isn't the whole purpose of using diet drinks so you can enjoy a sweet tasting beverage without the added calories of sugar... in hopes of losing weight?

Yes, that's exactly the purpose. However...

There are two factors to be considered regarding the affects of these so-called diet beverages on your health and weight:

1. The "calorie" factor.
2. The "sweet taste" factor.

Regarding the calorie factor, the amount of calories in your diet drink is not the problem regarding whether you gain or lose weight. This is obvious, since diet drinks contain very few calories with most of them containing absolutely zero calories.


The real problem regarding your weight is the "sweet" taste of these low calorie diet drinks.

Confused yet?

Well, think about this for a moment...

Since there's NO sugar in diet beverages then what's that sweet taste?

It's a sweet tasting, Neuro-Toxic chemical additive known as "ASPARTAME"..., created by using genetically modified bacteria!

You've probably heard of this dangerous, artificial no-calorie or low-calorie sweetener. It's sold under the trade names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful or AminoSweet, etc. So what does this toxic chemical called Aspartame do to YOU?

Although there are numerous health related issues ingesting it, just one of the side affects is Aspartame makes you FATTER!

Want proof?

Here are a few documented symptoms listed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as caused by Aspartame:

Aspartame Symptoms: ∗ Headaches/migraines ∗ Dizziness ∗ Nausea ∗ Numbness ∗ Muscle Spasms ∗ Fatigue ∗ Weight Gain ∗ Depression ∗ Irritability ∗ Insomnia ∗ Heart Palpitations ∗ Anxiety Attacks ∗ Slurred Speech ∗ Memory Loss ∗ Joint Pain.

NOTE: This is not a diagnostic chart and should not be used in place of your health professional to determine your recovery program.

Yes, weight gain is listed, and it's dose related. Meaning, people who drank the most diet soft drinks had the highest incidence of weight gain! Did you notice some of the other symptoms of ingesting Aspartame too?

Real crazy stuff!

Way back in 2005 research data gathered showed that drinking 'diet' soft drinks increased the likelihood of serious weight gain – much more than regular soda! (Reference: UT Health Center San Antonio Press Release. June 14, 2005 · Volume: XXXVIII · Issue: 24)

Here are the three ways consuming the artificial sweetener Aspartame, used in diet beverages and foods, actually makes you gain weight...

Causes unstable blood sugar levels – which increases your appetite and causes cravings for sweets/sugar. (Reference: Chen, L. N., and Parham, E. S. Journal of American Diet Assoiation, 1991: 686 - 90)
Causes fluid retention – giving your body a puffy and bloated appearance.
Increases cellulite – which are those "cottage cheese' looking thighs and buttocks.

That's obviously not good news for losing weight. But there's the real frightening side of Aspartame. Because your body breaks down (metabolizes) the poisonous chemical Neurotoxins in the Aspartame into several chemical components (more poisons), such as:

Formic acid – which is used as a pesticide.
Formaldehyde – which is an ingredient in embalming fluid.
Diketopiperazine – which is a brain tumor agent.

Shocking, isn't it? Absolutely.

And what's even more appalling is not only is the FDA aware, but also the manufacturing companies know full well of the health dangers of the products. Yet continue marketing a neurotoxic carcinogenic drug to the overweight population as a sugar free "diet product"... being fully aware this is causing more obesity!

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Those supposed "diet" drinks can indeed cause weight gain, and should be avoided. Diet soda is NOT a weight loss product and you should NOT consume it as part of your diet. But once free of these so-called "diet products" a lot of people actually lose weight over a short period of time and without exercise.

So, if you're trying to lose weight and for whatever reason you decide not to avoid drinking or eating foods that contain Aspartame (why would anyone want to consume it now after reading this article?)... than please avoid comsuming Aspartame just for your HEALTH.

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Disclaimer: This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. As with any nutritional information, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning any new program.

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