"It's not what you're thinking.
How to sabotage your metabolism by dieting too hard, because prolonged...
Oh, I can hear you now, "you've got some explaining to do". Yes, I realize, I have some explaining to do. At first glance, my statement doesn't make sense because a lot of people cannot accept the real life facts about what happens when dieting too hard. So before you start throwing tomatoes at me, continue reading. This is going to be an eye-opener...
When referring to 'dieting too hard', I mean a diet that has you drastically under-eating calories in an attempt to burn bodyfat.
Excess or over-eating calories probably isn't anything new to most overweight people. Especially if you think like the majority of people and believe that calories is always the culprit of overweight.
...But unfortunately that's what the weight loss industry promotes and wants people to believe and accept as common knowledge.
But in the real world and what the weight loss industry does not disclose to you is when it comes to the calorie issue over-eating is not the only cause of overweight.
At first this doesn't make much sense.
But have you ever heard of the not so well-known situation of under-eating calories? You know,... the low-calorie starvation type diets. Although it's very widespread, it's not common knowledge that the situation of following real low-calorie diets is actually a common cause of overweight and gain more!
This most likely comes to you as a shocking revelation...
...But as difficult as it is to believe and accept by people that are deep-rooted in the weight loss myths it is in fact true.
Because of the propaganda spread by the weight loss industry, the 'dieters' are told the very thing that should NOT be done. You know what I'm talking about here. They say you must cut those calories down to nothing (figuratively speaking) in order to lose weight.
Here's What Happens:
So what does the overweight person typically do? They really, really cut calories a lot since this is what they've been told will make their body lean again. And the more calories that's cut the better – for quicker fat loss.
But the only problem is that it's NOT true!
Although slightly cutting calories can in fact reduce fat stores in the body, many people wrongfully take it to the extreme by drastically reducing calories. With that said, this procedure of cutting calories way too much does work. However, it's only temporary. It won't work for the long haul because of the physiological changes that occur by homeostasis.
Because if you under-eat and reduce your calorie intake too drastically you WILL run into major metabolic problems. Making you wish you never started down that road. Because it initiates the never ending cycle of losing weight..., then gaining weight..., then losing weight..., then, well, you get the idea.
What causes this to happen?
Answer: It's caused from the loss of protein tissues in the body – primarily from muscle tissue wastage. Sounds somewhat scary, huh?
The fact is there are chemical reactions that MUST occur in the body in order to burn fat. This is the physiology of the body and it cannot change.
Here's how fat burning works...
As you know, one of the chief calorie or energy sources utilized by the body is known as carbohydrate foods. Digested carbohydrate foods are broken down into a substance called glucose, and limited amounts are stored in the body for later use too. Glucose is simply another name for blood sugar.
The burning of body fat requires there to be two (2) calorie sources present along with oxygen in the chemical process in order for it to work.
The oxygen part is already taken care of since you're alive and breathing. And of course, there must be body fat present (and you have plenty of that already). But there must also be carbohydrates (glucose) present in the mix.
With that understanding, in order to burn body fat, during the physiological process your body must also burn blood sugar (glucose) together at the same time with the fat (and oxygen).
The body, under normal physiological conditions, cannot burn and lose only fat. The body must also have the glucose (and oxygen) as part of the chemical process in order to burn fat.
Ok, so when you're burning body fat and if not enough carbohydrate foods are eaten your body will burn and use-up all its blood sugar (glucose). Although your body won't use-up all of it to zero, there will always be some amount of glucose in the blood at all times, otherwise death would occur. But when your blood sugar level begins to get too low the glucose that's been stored in your body is then released and utilized for energy.
So now you might be thinking, "Then what happens when the body uses-up the limited amount of glucose that's been stored in the body?"
That's a good question.
What happens is your body will shift to another or secondary fuel source. Yes, technically it would actually be considered a third fuel source. The first fuel source is the body fat, and the second fuel source is the carbohydrates to make the blood sugar (glucose).
So what is this other alternative fuel source the body uses for energy?
When the blood sugar and then finally the limited amount of stored glucose gets used up your body must get glucose somewhere to continue burning fat and to keep your body alive. As a survival mechanism the homeostasis process will maintain normal metabolic balance and thereby sustain the blood sugar levels at any cost. And it does...
Your body will sacrifice and use lean weight (muscle tissue) for the glucose! In other words, in order for your body to continue burning fat and remain alive it breaks down muscle tissue and converts it into glucose!
During this normal physiological process or response to under-eating (primarily carbohydrates) your body will burn the fat for energy, but it will also burn muscle tissue too.
The muscle tissue is easily cannibalized and consumed as an alternative energy source in the absence of carbohydrates (glucose) to keep the fat burning process going. This may sound a bit strange, or even frightening to some of you, but it is indeed fact.
And what's worse, although, in such a situation, you would be losing body 'weight', it's not ALL fat that you would be coming off. It quite possibly could be much more lean weight (muscle tissue) that's consumed for energy than fat weight!
In certain cases some weight loss programs advocating considerable calorie deprivation (under-eating calories) can result in the amount of muscle loss being considerably higher than the fat loss.
It's a simpler process of converting lean body weight (muscle tissue) into glucose, which is its preferred energy source. Physiologically it's preferred by the body to convert muscle cells into energy rather than to breakdown and use fat cells for energy!
This is an innate attempt of your body to survive from a conceived starvation scenario! This, of course, doesn't exist.
You're just trying to lose weight – Right?
But your body doesn't realize it, and for self-preservation purposes it's attempting to survive – energy conservation is always king.
However, the percentage in comparison of the type of weight (lean weight or fat weight) that's lost depends upon the amount of calories that are reduced. But for the most part, although it varies, it's typically about a 50/50 ratio of muscle loss to fat loss. Only half of the weight lost is fat. While the other half of the weight lost is muscle tissue. In other words, you could lose the same amount of muscle tissue, as you will body fat.
By using the generic 'fixed' or 'manipulated' weight loss programs promoted by the 'establishment'; or by dieting excessively; or just plain starving yourself, under-eating will ultimately result in losing both body fat and muscle tissue, as well.
So for example, if you lost 4 pounds of total body "weight" you could have lost 2 pounds of fat (which is good) and also 2 pounds of muscle (which is bad). This process would thereby reduce your overall bodyweight, making you smaller – yet your body fat percentage remains unchanged.
...It's yet another way how you become just a smaller FAT person – without achieving a tight, lean and shapely body! In general, this is what the industry accomplishes with their weight loss programs, all by design.
This of course is a waste of your time and effort – a very inefficient manner to lose body fat indeed.
Fat Burning Machine
But, here's where it gets even more interesting though... Because for another slap across the face it doesn't stop there. In addition to the issues just stated regarding muscle loss, another very significant condition has emerged from under-eating calories.
There's no need to be a rocket scientist to figure-out what burns-up body fat. The important fact to know is...
Muscle tissue is the predominate furnace – the fat burning machine – that consumes the body fat for energy. In other words, the muscle tissue is what actually burns the fat in the body as an energy source.
So losing muscle tissue adds to your overweight dilemma, because there would be less muscle tissue on your body, which reduces the body's fat-burning capacity. Since protein tissue (predominately muscle tissue) is the fat-burning machine of the body.
And this condition slows fat loss considerably. Sure, the muscle loss causes a 'weight' loss on the scale, but it will also cause LESS body fat to be burned!
Because muscle is a live and active tissue it requires calories to function and therefore burns calories all day.
So... the more amount of muscle mass (lean mass) on your body, or the more remaining after using a weight loss program – the more your body has an opportunity to effectively burn more fat.
But here's the clincher...
Perpetuating The Condition
What's worse is that once the person quits dieting and starts eating "normal" again, their body will have less fat-burning muscle tissue along with a screwed up metabolism (thyroid related) to boot. This actually promotes even MORE Fat Storage than before the extreme "dieting" protocol!
That's right; this condition of muscle loss greatly increases the chances of gaining all of your weight again and even MORE! In other words, your body will accumulate fat, and sometimes accumulate more fat than you had BEFORE you began the undereating calories diet, because there is less fat-burning muscle tissue on your body!
...Perpetuating the problem – gaining weight again.
The fact is that when people try to lose weight by under-eating from reducing their calories by such extreme measures, their body physiologically responds by consuming muscle tissue as an alternative energy or fuel source.
All this happens because of under-eating, the lack of food or whatever you wish to call it. The bottom line is the detrimental affects manifests themselves from not eating enough calories that eventually causes the weight GAIN!
And it's all done by design in most of the diets promoted by the weight loss industry.
This is how the industry keeps people trapped in their never-ending weight loss cycle to buy and start yet another one of their "fixed" weight loss programs – and the yo-yo cycle begins again... further increasing profits.
Remember, energy conservation is first and foremost to the body. By exploiting the metabolic process of homeostasis (from under-eating) an outcome that's disadvantageous to you can easily occur.
Such as losing muscle tissue, which results in:
- Becoming a smaller person yet remaining FAT.
- Slowing the fat-burning capacity of the body.
- Increasing bodyweight and gaining more Fat weight in the long haul.
Using this dieting approach by losing fat-burning muscle from cutting alot of calories is a very detrimental approach to getting lean. Even so, dieting too hard can sabotage your metabolism and is a very common cause of overweight.
Use my calorie formula, if you want to know how many calories to eat for a better outcome.
Please share this website or article with all of your friends and family! They will thank you for helping them to think differently about improving their health.
Disclaimer: This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. As with any nutritional information, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning any new program.
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