"Could sugar be much worse than you think?
Surprisingly, 50% of what's in sugar your body actually needs.
But find out the reason...

...Fructose Is Making Some People
Scared to Eat Sugar!"

The Four Detrimental Health Factors -
That's Lurking in Sugar.


While most of us are aware of the detrimental effects of excessive sugar consumption, it's essential to dive deeper into the specific component that makes sugar an unhealthy choice – fructose. So let's explore the truth behind fructose in sugar, its impact on our health, and the steps we can take to mitigate its negative effects.

What is Fructose?


Fructose is a simple sugar found in very small amounts naturally in fruits and honey. But it is in high concentration in processed foods and beverages. It is also a very significant component of processed sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), maltose, fruit juice concentrate, and table sugar. The important detail is sugar has 2 components of which 50% of it is 'glucose', and the other 50% is 'fructose'. So glucose and fructose combined is table sugar.

Our body's primary source of energy is 'glucose', which is metabolized by cells throughout the body. However, fructose is metabolized by only the liver. Keep in mind, glucose is either used for energy or stored, but fructose is metabolized differently than glucose. We have a limited capacity to metabolize fructose. This unique metabolic pathway can have profound consequences on our overall health. Here's why...

The Fructose-Liver Connection:

When we consume fructose, it is only metabolized in the liver, where it is converted into fat and deposited directly into the liver. This process can lead to the accumulation of visceral fat, which surrounds vital organs and is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disorders.

In other words, eating sugar causes liver fat accumulation (unrelated to obesity), regardless of body weight (overweight or skinny).

And this fat accumulation in the liver, from excessive fructose consumption, can contribute to a range of health problems...

Fructose Health Issues : ∗ Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ∗ Chronic Inflammation ∗ Insulin Resistance ∗ Elevated Blood Pressure ∗ Type 2 Diabetes ∗ Elevated Triglycerides!

NOTE: This is not a diagnostic chart and should not be used in place of your health professional to determine your recovery program.

Have you ever seen people that have a belly but are not necessarily overweight? Well, you're most likely looking at a fatty liver.

Alcoholics can also develop fatty liver. The only difference is whether the source is from alcohol or sugar consumption. They both can develop a fatty liver and all the health issues associated with it. And apparently 20% of children are showing fatty liver disease from eating too much sugar.

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Addiction and Obesity:

Fructose also plays a significant role in weight gain and obesity. But it's not the reason you think. Because, unlike other sugars,...

  1. Fructose does not stimulate the release of insulin or suppress hunger hormones, leading to increased calorie consumption. In other words, fructose can disrupt hunger-regulating hormones which leads to overeating and weight gain. Because it fails to provide the same satiety as other sugars, leaving us craving more food, particularly high-calorie and processed options.
  2. Sugar activates 'Dopamine' which is the feel-good neurotransmitter that boosts mood, motivation, and attention in the reward center of the brain – which makes you feel good when eating sugar – which makes you want to eat more of it. Right?
  3. Sugar also down-regulates its own receptors on the tongue. Which means the more sugar you eat the less sweet it tastes. Fructose's deceptive nature lies in its ability to overwhelm our taste buds, leaving us craving more and more sugar!

This 3-pronged attack on you is a vicious cycle that easily contributes to weight gain and obesity, leading to a host of health issues...

Sugar Addiction Health Issues : ∗ Obesity ∗ Diabetes ∗ Heart Disease ∗ and certain types of Cancer.

Now you know why there's an alarming rise in sugar consumption, and why you're addicted to sugar and gaining weight. Think the word "addiction" is too strong? Well, try to stop eating all sugar for one week, or even a day... I bet you'll be struggling and feeling irritable. Try it.

But fructose's harmful impact extends beyond weight gain. Let's take a look.

Behavior Changes:

Can you believe it? Sugar is also causing changes in behavior. Here's how it happens.

Sugar breaks the balance of inhibitory neurotransmitters and the excitatory neurotransmitters. In simple terms, that means there is a balance between being super calm and over excited (for whatever reason).

Therefore sugar has been associated with changes in normal behavior. Sometimes even radical changes, from mild to wild behavior alterations, that would occur for no apparent reason.

Sugar Associated With: ∗ Irritability ∗ Violent Behavior ∗ Cognition Problems ∗ and Adult Dementia.

Keep in mind, association is not causation. All the causation pieces are still being put together. The numerous data was in animal studies. So, as of now, I'm not saying sugar is poisoning your brain...YET.

Ok, let's move onto the last detrimental health factor of fructose.

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Faster Aging:

Is there anything more that sugar does that's harmful? As crazy as this sounds, the answer is yes. There's one more detrimental factor that consuming fructose does to harm your health. Let me explain.

Sugar (fructose) is actually toxic to mitochondria. Mitochondria is where energy is generated in our cells. However, the fructose inhibits the function of 3 important enzymes that are required for the mitochondria to generate energy!

So when the enzymes are inhibited by consuming sugar the mitochondria generate less of the chemical energy that cells are powered by called 'Adenosine Triphosphate' (ATP). So sugar is not 100% energy as some claim. In fact, sugar because of the fructose actually decreases energy production to every cell in your body! The lowering of ATP production also slows metabolic rate. Feeling sluggish lately?

Another process is sugar attaches or bonds to proteins in the body by way of a process called 'glycation'. The important point to know is glycation inactivates the proteins. These newly formed glycated proteins are malfunctioning proteins called 'advanced glycation end-products'. Look at the first letters of Advanced Glycation End-products – A.G.E. Interesting, isn't it?

Well, what happens next is the AGE products bind to the collagen in our body (joints, ligaments and skin). This causes the collagen fibers to become stiff and brittle. The AGE products breakdown the collagen too, all leading to stiff joints and older looking skin! So if you're thinking more skin wrinkles, you're right.

And for another kick in the ribs, when sugar is ingested it dampens the body's natural defenses that are normally used to prevent the aging process! Yes, it's true – sugar causes faster aging!

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Fructose, poses a significant threat to our health. From weight gain and metabolic disorders to liver damage, heart disease, chronic inflammation and faster aging, the consequences of excessive fructose consumption are far from sweet. It's time to break free from sugar and make conscious choices to protect your well-being.

By reducing the intake of sugary drinks, processed foods, and sweets, you can significantly lower the exposure to this harmful substance. Instead, opt for whole fruits, which contain fiber and other essential nutrients which help to moderate fructose absorption and mitigate its negative effects.

But fortunately, we aren't left completely sugarless.

Natural alternatives like monk fruit sweetener, stevia, erythritol, and xylitol can be used in moderation to satisfy our sweet cravings without the harmful effects of fructose.

These substitutes can be a healthier choice for those looking to reduce their sugar (fructose) intake.

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Disclaimer: This site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. As with any nutritional information, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning any new program.

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