"Why is this slipped in certain yogurts and cosmetics?
Check out this crazy ingredient, because there's something common about...

...Strawberry Yogurt, Red Lipstick and Beetle Bugs!"

You Won't Eat 'THAT' Yogurt After Reading This...

Carmine Additive

Strawberry yogurt red dyed with Carmine.

I recently went to the grocery store to buy a few of my favorite food items... just a typical day. I was carrying a hand-held basket and strolled over to the dairy section to get some organic yogurt.

As I was sorting through the different flavors of the single serving containers, I noticed next to me two elderly people. Nothing unusual there.

But what really caught my eye was they were loading up their shopping cart with 30 to 40 single containers of yogurt!

They apparently liked yougurt..., so I asked them why so much yogurt. They simply replied that yogurt is a healthy food with beneficial gut flora.

So I asked if they knew the other ingredients in that strawberry yogurt they're buying, and if they ever heard about the food additive called carmine.

They replied, "No we don't know. What is carmine"?

Well, the vibrant red color of strawberry yogurt and red lipstick can be attributed to a disgusting ingredient called carmine. Derived from the cochineal insect, carmine has been used to create beautiful shades of red in various products, including food and cosmetics.

In other words, carmine is...

...Cochineal insects that's used as a food coloring agent.

...Cochineal insects that's used as a food coloring agent.

The food additive called Carmine is bloody ground-up Beetle Bugs!

Yes, the beetle bug is a cochineal insect that is added to many brands of strawberry yogurt because of its bright red color (from the blood)... which enhances the "look" of the yogurt.

The manufacturers actually dry and separate the abdomen and fertilized eggs (because it's the most bloody red part of the insect). Then these insect body parts are crushed into a powder... and mixed in your healthy yogurt.

The extra red dye from the Carmine is an attempt to make food products (in this case, strawberry yogurt) more appealing by giving it a vivid red tint... more than what the actual red strawberries can do. Thus creating the illusion that the yogurt is somehow better.

Similarly, in red lipstick, carmine plays a crucial role in creating the perfect shade. It provides a rich, intense red color that adds a touch of glamour to any look. Carmine is often preferred over synthetic dyes as it offers a more vibrant tone.

There is no nutritional value, the only purpose of this bug juice additive is to make the products "look" better to the customer to increase sales. But in some people this bug juice can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic reactions which is potentially life-threatening!

As a side note, organic yogurt uses beetroot powder or beet juice as their red dye instead ground-up bugs. So if eating bugs grosses you out the alternative is to buy organic yogurt, which only adds real food (beet juice) instead.

Since more people are discovering that bugs (carmine) is intentionally added to food the manufacturers are getting even more sneeky... by coming up with other clever names for Carmine to put on the labels, such as:

  • Crimson Lake
  • Natural Red 4
  • C.I. 75470
  • Cochineal
  • E120

This insect-based food coloring is also found in many other foods, as well as, many other cosmetics too. So read the ingredients on food and product labels and see if you find any of their disguised names for adding beetle bugs as a coloring agent... unless you enjoy bloody abdomen and fertilized eggs of beetle bugs in your diet!

So next time you enjoy a spoonful of strawberry yogurt or swipe on a bold red lipstick, remember those insects that contribute to their allure – carmine.

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